Top 5 Self-Care Tips
Maybe those words and the concept in general rub you the wrong way. That’s ok, you wouldn’t be alone.
Maybe you’re open and truly interested, but are confused by what it means and whether it’s actually feasible for you and your [crazy] life. Also, not uncommon.
Wherever you fall in regards to self-care, you’re in the right place and I’m honored to dive deeper into what is a crucial element of health and wellbeing.
What is Self-Care?
Taking care of yourself. Ok, you already knew that. So what does that mean? It means consciously taking action that supports your mental, physical, or spiritual health. Self-care is giving yourself what you need to feel balanced, energized and simply like your best self.
Why is Self-Care so Important?
Unfortunately our culture (particularly American) has too often labeled self-care as soft and unnecessary. We’re taught that it’s for those who don’t have what it takes to be successful or who are simply lazy.
This couldn’t be further from the truth and there are disturbing statistics* that show clearly something is off with our current model:
More than half of adults said they were under “high stress” in 2017
Anxiety grew by 39% in a recent one-year period
Attention spans fell by 33% from 2000-2015.
Depression diagnoses are up 33 percent since 2013
*data from various sources published in The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter.
Understanding our Nervous System
Our nervous systems are put through a lot in a given day. Specifically, they are put through a lot of stimulation / activation. We are always busy - literally running from thing to thing all the while being bombarded with opinions, beliefs, and energies of those around us. Including the media we consume…
Does the “go, go, go” lifestyle sound familiar to you? You are most likely experiencing it yourself, and if not (well done!) are certainly being exposed to others who are (and their activated nervous systems).
A healthy nervous system is a dynamic one. It’s one that is able to move between the different states of activation (sympathetic) and relaxation (parasympathetic) appropriately based on the cues in the environment. Neither state should be considered good or bad, both are important and necessary. The problem that many of us are experiencing is two fold:
There is an imbalance between the sympathetic (active) and parasympathetic (relax) nervous systems. Aka nervous system dysregulation.
We don’t have the tools nor self-awareness on how to downregulate (relax) our nervous system.
“A dysregulated nervous system can lead to negative consequences such as anxiety, panic attacks, anger, inability to focus or follow through, and distress in relationships. Health consequences can include heart disease; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; sleep problems; weight gain; memory impairment; headache; chronic neck, shoulder, and back tension; stomach problems; and increased vulnerability to illness.” - The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy by Deb Dana
How do we come back to nervous system balance? Downregulating (relaxing) our nervous system. What tools can we use to downregulate? You guessed it - SELF-CARE!
High level self-care: nature, yoga, breathwork, conscious relaxation (Valencia November 2022)
Top 5 Self-Care Tips:
As someone who has made self-care a top priority in life, I’d like to share with you all 5 tips everyone should consider:
1. Personalize It
Find what works for you.
You are different than your best friend. You are different from that famous actress. Just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Cooking can be relaxing and enjoyable for some while frustrating and activating for others. Embrace your uniqueness and explore different activities with this mentality.
2. Make it Daily
Whether 1 min or 1 hour, make it a daily occurrence.
No matter how small, commit to showing up for yourself and your well-being. Focus on consistency over time versus the actual daily amount of time. For example, I’d encourage one minute of meditation all seven days of the week over one day of meditation for one hour.
“A habit must be established before it can be improved” - James Clear (author of Atomic Habits).
3. Slow down
Make it unhurried time.
I cannot emphasize this one enough.
In a society that is always moving fast, this should be a top priority in our self-care practices. Make it unhurried. Let it be unplanned. This is hard for so many of us because we are conditioned to believe this is unproductive. Try to keep the nervous system perspective in mind reminding yourself that it is incredibly productive for nervous system balance and your overall wellbeing.
As they say here in Spain, poco a poco (little by little, step by step).
4. Create the Conditions for Success
Turn off notifications or even better go fully tech-free!
As [hopefully] a priority in your daily routine, organize your schedule so you can treat your self-care as such. Walking outside is a great self-care activity for many. But if you are responding to emails or worried about being out of the house and missing a delivery, then the nourishing benefits are lost.
It’s worth asking - Can I leave my phone behind? Can I at least turn off notifications?
In 2016, Dr. Rachel Hopman led a study that found a 20 minute stroll through a city park can cause profound changes in the neurological structure of our brains. This leaves us feeling calmer and with sharper and more productive, creative minds. “But”, she said, “we found that people who used their cell phone on the walk saw none of those benefits”. Excerpt from The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter.
5. Try Breathwork
The quality of your breath directly reflects the state of your nervous system.
Breathwork is trendy and I’m happy to be a part of this trend. We are fortunate for its popularity and the extensive resources that are available. Look for a reputable yoga teacher or breathwork instructor in-person or online. A basic understanding of the physiology and nervous system effects of breathwork combined with some foundational practices are incredible self-care tools to have.
I hope you find some value from my perspective on self-care and whatever your thoughts are, I hope you continue to make your health and well-being a top priority. If you’d like to discuss anything self-care related or health in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
To MÁS Health and MÁS Self-Care!